Episcopal Youth Community
Youth Christian Formation
Sunday School classes are available to all youth and are held at 10:30 A.M. in the Rose Parish Hall. Classes are offered at the elementary and secondary levels with Godly Play for youths ages 3 – 6. You are cordially invited to come and worship with us each and every Sunday morning!
Proud Supporter of
Camp Chanco
The EYC is composed of all church youth 6th grade through 12th grade. They participate in various church activities through-out the year. The children are encouraged to bring along friends outside of St. Paul and St. Andrew for the various activities. Below are some of the activities that they participate in during the year:
- Operation Christmas Child
- Retreats
- Mountain
- Ocean
- Bowling
- Tubing
- Zip-lining
- “Waiters” for church functions
- Christmas pageants
- 2 services a year
- Pentecost
- All Saints
- Movie night