
We invite all to worship with us at St. Paul & St. Andrew’s, and we look forward to meeting with you and all your friends and family at 10:00 AM this Sunday.

Prayer for a New Priest:  Our Heavenly Father, we pray for your divine guidance during this time of transition and change.  Look graciously upon us and guide those who will call our new spiritual leader, who will care for the congregation of St. Paul and St. Andrew and the people of our community.  We ask you to bless us with your patience and understanding as your plan unfolds for us, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen

Our Mission

Passion in all we do.

It is the mission of the Parish to be

present in our community as living

examples of Christ’s love: to be good

stewards of God’s creation, to seek out the

needy, and to bring others to know Christ.



Stay up-to-date with the latest happenings at St. Paul & St. Andrew:

07 July 2024 – 10:00 AM Streaming Holy Eucharist Service from Manakin with Rev. Gini DiStanislao Manakin Livestream YouTube Page Link Here

14 July 2024 – 9:00 AM 2nd Sunday Forum with Doc at St. Paul & St. Andrew Church

14 July 2024 – 10:00 AM Streaming Holy Eucharist Service from Manakin with Rev. Gini DiStanislao Manakin Livestream YouTube Page Link Here

14 July 2024 – 11:00 AM Vestry Meeting after Church Service

21 July 2024 – 10:00 AM Streaming Holy Eucharist Service from Manakin with Rev. Gini DiStanislao Manakin Livestream YouTube Page Link Here

Free Community Dinner will be provided at St. Paul & St. Andrew on 27 July 2024, from 5pm-7pm.

Menu Items Include: Oven Baked Spaghetti, Green Beans or Tossed Salad, and Garlic Bread

28 July 2024 – 10:00 AM Streaming Holy Eucharist Service from Manakin with Rev. Gini DiStanislao Manakin Livestream YouTube Page Link Here

Latest Happenings

Recent events at St. Paul & St. Andrew: