The youth in our church tend to start their service as acolytes earlier than in some larger churches, continuing to serve until they leave for college. In addition to typical acolyte duties they help the priest set the table for communion along with various other religious duties.

Lay Eucharistic Ministry
All our lay eucharistic ministers (LEM) are licensed by the Bishop to administer consecrated elements of the eucharistic. This service is provided to hospitalized, homebound and in nursing homes as an extension of our communion in the church.
Lay Readers
Our readers are licensed lay minister (LLM), who are an integral part of our services; reading the Lessons and Psalms preceding the Gospel. Morning Prayer is often lead by lay readers when our priest is not available. The lay readers also assist the priest during Holy Eucharist.
Youth lay readers (6th through 12th Grade) are also incorporated in our services by reading the Psalms.
Lay Ministry
The lay ministry at St. Paul and St. Andrew is a vital part of our parish. Without a current priest we have continued many weekly functions that keep our doors and pews active. Various lay people have taken on the following ministries:
- Weekly bulletins
- Lenten Soup and Study
- Second Sunday Adult Formation
- Weekly choir anthems
- Choosing the hymns for services
- Restructuring the website
- Brunswick stew fund-raiser
- Monthly newsletter
- Children’s Christmas party
- Easter egg hunt
- Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
- Weekly coffee hour
- Special communication
- Safe Church training day
We are not able to get to the future if we don’t let go of the past.